Our Vision
Tlingit Warrior Code Translated by Woochjixoo éesh & Xh’unei
Líl i een ḵáa kayáanáx̱ sh keeldáaliḵ!
Donʼt make yourself heavier (more important or valuable) than the person you are with!
I een ḵáa tooshéeyig̱áa ikgwatée.
Be humble with the person you are with.
I een ḵáa du jín gag̱eeshée. I een kei kg̱isaháan.
Reach for the hand of the person you are with. You will stand them up with you.
I een ḵáa káx̱ át gag̱eetée.
You will protect the one you are with.
Gwál xʼéig̱aa iwdudlichún ḵa a jeetx̱ ikg̱wanáa, hóochʼeen yís idaséigudé ḵunalgaaw.
Maybe if you are truly wounded, and from that you are going to die, fight to your last breath.
X'igaa Ḵaa/Sháa will be training group for Tlingit youth, which will be rooted in the ancient warrior's code and traditions but will evolve with a strong focus on radical love and healing, is being planned. This program will be an ongoing culture camp and community service organization, with availability throughout the year.
The emphasis will be on upholding Tlingit opposites and following protocols to honor them. We will organize training sessions where participants will come together to share teachings and then separate to learn about their clan histories and songs. The intention is to provide instruction in Tlingit weapon techniques using wooden weapons and fencing protection, with a strict rule that sparring will only take place within one's moiety.
Our program will also encompass education in both subsistence skills and artistic pursuits, with a requirement for participants to give back to their community. Most importantly, we will aim to teach young Tlingit individuals the crucial values of love, self-love, respect, honorable behavior, and the importance of defending those who are victimized and defenseless.
Kai Monture, Family, and Community Guides
Founders of the School